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Make Home Life Easier For Those With Arthritis With These Kitchen Gadgets

There are things we can take for granted when mobility isn’t an issue. As we get older, we begin to lose strength and slow down. This can be exacerbated with conditions like arthritis, which causes painful joints. When minor tasks become a hassle, this can be disheartening. Thankfully, there are some great gadgets on the market that are ideal for those who suffer with arthritis and limited mobility. Let’s discover more.

Adapted Tin & Jar Openers

Many people struggle to open tight jar lids, regardless of any health condition like arthritis. Therefore, it’s no surprise that those with disabilities would benefit from an adapted tin or jar opener. These can come in a range of different styles, so it’s good to take a look at all your options before making a purchase. What might work for one person could be too tricky for you to use. Once you’ve found the perfect adapted opener for you, you’ll be able to prepare simple meals without the faff of opening tins or jars manually.

Chopping Boards & Food Preparation Aids For Arthritic Hands

Using a traditional chopping board can pose a risk to those with arthritis. Even something as simple as chopping vegetables could result in a small slip, which may cause someone to cut themselves. An adapted chopping board can greatly reduce this risk. These boards have a lip on the edge, so you won’t have to worry about anything sliding off the edge. They also have a small cluster of spikes. You can use this to secure the piece of food that you’re cutting, or even to place some bread on so that you can apply butter without it sliding away.

You can also get peelers and mashers with adapted grips, so arthritic hands are better able to use them. These make it much easier to prepare simple, healthy meals independently.

Elderly lady chopping peppers on a chopping board

Walking Trolleys

Walking trolleys offer a number of benefits to disabled users. Not only do they help you to move around the home safely, they also allow you to take items with you. This includes meals! Because the trolley is fitted with two full-size trays, you can place your plate on the trolley as well as any other items that you need with you around the home.

Kettle Tippers

There’s nothing better than sitting back and relaxing with a hot cup of tea. However, making a cup of tea when you have arthritis isn’t always a simple task. If there’s any risk that you may spill or drop the kettle of boiling water, you’ll benefit from the reassurance that a kettle tipper provides. Kettles are often heavy, and when water is added they’re even heavier. A tipper consists of a base which has hinges on. This offers much better stability and takes most of the weight of the kettle. You can safely pour the water and prepare a hot cup of tea with this handy gadget.

For Arthritis Kitchen Gadgets, Choose Casterbridge Care & Mobility

We stock a number of kitchen aids and gadgets to make your life easier. Come into our store today to take a look at our range of products.

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